If you have been considering training for your Sport Pilot Certificate, this event is for you. Join AFTC for an evening of discovery and learn how easy it is to become a certificated Sport Pilot. If you are not aware, the Sport Pilot Certificate provides one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to fly. You can think of it as a sort of middle-ground between becoming an ultralight pilot and a full-fledged private pilot. Unlike ultralight pilots, sport pilots can carry a passenger and operate in certain types of controlled airspace, for example, but they may not fly at night and are limited to lighter and lowered-powered aircraft than those available to private pilots.
While a Private Pilot Certificate requires a minimum of 35 or 40 hours of training time, sport pilots only require a minimum of 20 hours. The Sport Pilot Certificate DOES NOT REQUIRE AN FAA MEDICAL EXAM.
There is no cost to attend this event and there will be no obligation or pressure to start training. The staff at AFTC is simply excited about the opportunities for which the Sport Pilot Certificate allows. If you decide to train with us – that’s terrific! If you decide to fly somewhere else – that’s fine too. If you decide that now is not the time to train – that is fine as well.
All attendees will receive $30 off of a Light Sport Discovery Flight, should they decide to pursue their training further.
AFTC currently features the CSA SportCruiser as the aircraft of choice for sport pilot flying. It is a technologically advanced, all aluminum aircraft, equipped with an all-electronic flight deck (glass cockpit). The SportCruisers are fully certificated Light Sport Aircraft and are maintained by our FAA certified technicians and inspectors.
The evening will consist of a facility tour, introduction of key AFTC staff, some “hands on” ground time with the SportCruiser, Q&A with AFTC Instructors and Staff, and a ground school class that will cover the following:
- FAA requirements for the Sport Pilot Certificate (SPC)
- Privileges and limitations of the SPC
- Aircraft Systems basics
- Introduction to the SportCruiser’s advanced avionics systems
The event will be held at our Glendale facility on:
- Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 6:00 pm
We anticipate the event will be about 2 1/2 hours in duration.
A light snack will be served. Space is limited so please RSVP below

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