Arizona Flight Training Center offers individual courses to obtain specific Certificates and Ratings as well as comprehensive programs for students wanting to become professional pilots.

Every training program AFTC offers is customized to the individual student.  That said, FAA requirements dictate some basics with respect to the courses that are offered.  The following is some basic information on the courses offered and some of the different tracks that AFTC customers may choose.

A note on “Career” vs “Individual Course” Training: One thing that sets AFTC apart from other “academy” style schools is that AFTC does not make a distinction between students who wish to fly for recreation and those that are pursuing a career in professional aviation.  Every student is taught to the same standards by professional flight instructors, not merely recent graduates who are instructing as a means to get to an airline job.  No student has scheduling priority over another student. 

A note on Part 61 vs Part 141 training:  In many cases, AFTC students have the option of enrolling under either an FAA Part 61 or an FAA Part 141 training program.  Part 141 courses typically require more one-on-one ground instruction and less flight time, and can be somewhat less expensive if the student is able to gain proficiency in the minimum hours specified.  Students utilizing VA funding for pilot training are required by the Veterans Administration to enroll in Part 141 courses.  Part 61 courses usually include additional hours over the 141 programs.  A representative from AFTC will help you determine which program would offer you the greatest benefit.

A note on quoted hours:  You are considering flight training, which is a major decision on several levels.  First, you want to be sure that the school with which you are training, is reputable and conducts operations safely.  Second, you want to be sure to get the most out of your training funds.  AFTC understands this and offers this advice when comparing schools’ programs. 

  1. Understand what the school is quoting you.  Is it based on the FAA minimum hours or are there extra hours included?  Neither is better or worse, as the amount of hours it will take you depends on the speed in which you can gain proficiency in the flight maneuvers.  Everyone learns at a different pace.  That said, the more experience your instructor has, the quicker you will gain this proficiency. 
  2. Understand that no school can give you a firm quote.  Again, training is based on proficiency, not hours.  What you need to do, when comparing pricing is to look at 2 things:
    1. What type(s) of aircraft does the company utilize?  The larger or newer the aircraft, the higher the hourly rate will be.
    2. What hourly rate will the school charge for the aircraft and the instructor? 

Once you know the types of aircraft you will be flying, you can compare the hourly rates, not a bottom line price.  Again, the amount of time it will take you to complete a rating is based on YOUR ability.  You can compare the hourly rates, not the hours included in the program. 

Directed study ground programs utilized for most courses.

As a customized flight training provider, AFTC understands that your time is valuable.  Having to arrange your schedule so you can sit in a classroom with 20 other students may be efficient for the school, but it is not necessarily the most efficient use of your time.  Additionally, most people find that guided study and multimedia resources are more effective in presenting new information and making that knowledge last.  AFTC utilizes a combination of online test preparation software in addition to directed study and one-on-one ground instruction for most of our courses to more effectively utilize your study time and to eliminate lecture-based ground classes.  

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